Feb 5
Gyuheong is doing so well! He is reading, praying, coming to church, and seeking so earnestly. He especially is very desirous to feel the Holy Ghost and to receive those feelings that we have taught about. We are so excited for him! But, he is leaving today to go to Seoul until he goes back to college, so it'll be other missionaries teaching him from here on out.
There is so much that I learned this week, I don't know where to begin or start. Maybe the most prominent thought I had was about the heart and the sacrament. As I've been asking the Lord what I can do better, I've found that often the answer is nothing new. In fact, sometimes it is more like the chastening described in Hebrews 12:5-11. On my exchange with the zone leader last transfer, he made the principle really clear. Repentance is change of heart. This kind of change is not comfortable. If fact, it is often painful. Thus, giving chastening or correction it giving that kind of pain - not out of malice or anger, but out of love and an understanding that this pain is necessary for growth. Elder Christofferson taught that we should even ask for this in April of 2011 - "Let us pray for His love-inspired correction."
I am so grateful for the correction of the Lord! It allows us to repent and more fully have his presence with us through partaking of the Sacrament. It prompts us to search our hearts and to give our hearts to him and to soften them.
Have a great week everyone!
Last p-day we went to a member's house and made Mandu. It was delicious!