Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Schedule changes

Jan 29, 2017

The missionary worldwide broadcast was incredible! I learned so much I can't explain it all here. For one, Elder Bednar prayed to start, which was something I realized I'd never seen before. The theme, like last year, was "teach repentance and baptize converts," and I realized, most of all, the great significance of what that means. God's work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, which was enabled by His Son and His Atonement. By helping others to repent and be baptized, we are doing the will of God, because the gospel of Christ is the process by which we receive remission of sins and are born again by the water and the Spirit. This enables us to return to Him in His Kingdom. The divine power and authority in the steps and ordinances of Christ's gospel are what brings this about. I was humbled by this. I cannot cleanse someone from sin, nor can I fill their heart with that purifying power that changes it forever. But these things are real, and they come from Christ. 

Besides that, we did deep cleaning on Saturday (all missionaries do this on Lunar New Year's Day). For lunch, we ate Ddeokuk, which is a tradition to eat on Lunar New Year's Day in Korea. The tradition is that eating this makes you a year older, so now, in Korean age, I am 22! 

New year - I didn't see any special celebrations or dragons or anything, but we also spent the entire day inside cleaning. But, the house is super clean now. Here's some pictures of Seoul from the bus: 

​The district going back to Wonju, from left to right, back to front - Elder Steward and Ku, Sister Lee and Lynn, and me and Elder Horne

​The Han river. The big tower in Lotte Tower. 

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