Monday, November 9, 2015

Chicken anyone?

I'll start this one out with a really funny experience that happened on Tuesday. We were walking home when we passed by a man eating chicken from a cup with a spork, and I asked to shake his hand. He responded unusually enthusiastically. He shook our hands, then immediately, before we could say anything, began to feed us chicken by putting it in our mouths with his spork. He gave each of us a piece, then started walking away. We hurried after him to give him a restoration pamphlet, and he turned around and fed both of us another piece of chicken. It was so weird, and Elder Moore and I just had to walk away laughing. The next day, I accidentally flushed my pen down the toilet while we were cleaning, but that's another story. 

A really cool thing happened during English class when a member brought me a cheesecake for my birthday. I was so taken aback, and could only say thank you. Elder Moore's birthday was three days later, so I think we will break into it today to celebrate both of them. 

We finally got a service project here for a member family that was moving. We carried lots of heavy boxes and furniture up some really steep steps in the rain, which was actually pretty fun. I feel like we actually helped the family out a lot and sped up the process. It was actually a miracle that we were able to do it, because we were going to their old house, which we hadn't realized they had already moved out of. We just so happened to find them walking down the street to the new one, which was a very unlikely thing. We would never have known where to go if we hadn't been where we were when we were. 

We had some great lessons this week and finally got an investigator to church. We're hoping to get two more there soon. One is Mongolian and is investigating because his girlfriend wants him to. The other has a few roadblocks. Because of some negative past experiences, he doesn't want to associate religion with Korea, but he is very interested in talking to us and learning more about the church. We hope to have a foreign member there next lesson and to take him to a foreigner ward. If he starts seeing the sincerity and love of the saints, we hope and pray that his heart will be softened and he will be able to forgive and forget. If there's anything that can help him do that, it is learning more about Christ and His Atonement. 

This week has been hard for keeping our goals and commitments. At zone meeting, we were committed to challenge someone to be baptized every day. This has been a challenge, but a theme here is the Seoul Mission is "Faith to Baptize." I'm working and praying to be less worried and afraid of making mistakes or talking to everyone on our path so that the Lord can lead. I've learned repeatedly that my own abilities are far from adequate. I've been focusing a lot on seeking inspiration for goals and commitments and trusting in the Lord to fulfill all of them. 

Thanks everyone for your messages and encouragement. It means a lot, and I hope you are all doing very well! 

After moving the family into their new place.

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