A lot of members in Korea are converts, which means that talks often include someone's conversion story. This was definitely the case in the district conference. I especially enjoyed one talk where the member first met missionaries on the street. He received a book of Mormon and read it. The very next day he found the missionaries again and asked to be taught. Many of the members have amazing conversion stories, and it inspires me to give more of myself to each person I meet. We are often told to do 100% OYM, which means open your mouth and talk to everyone possible. When you talk to so many people, it is easy to get it a routine and hand out cards and copies of the Book of Mormon without much of a thought. But when I hear the members talk about the first time that met missionaries and how inspired they felt when they heard about the restoration and read the Book of Mormon, I realize again that every person is so precious. A line of testimony, a Book of Mormon, or a sincere invitation to learn more can change a heart, and as servants we merely try to be vessels of the Spirit.
We weren't able to meet with Nick for a lesson this week, but we still call and talk with him each day. Other than that this week has mostly been spent doing finding activities. We have some really great potential investigators we are excited for, and also very excited for Elder Bednar!
Have a great week!
I got your package! Love it, thank you! I've already eaten most of the candy. I got it early because Elder Ryu went to the office for a leadership training and lugged back a bunch of packages for us. Otherwise it probably would have waited till November's zone meeting. Thanks again!
Look who was at District Conference! Elder (now brother) Kimtaewan! |
Look who else was at District Conference! Tim, our investigator from Nokbeon! And also Elder Bradshaw. |
Look who else was there! Elder Peterson!
Gangnug area is actually the area the next olympics will be |

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