This week has been one of the best so far! We met so many people who wanted so listen and learn. Tim came to church! He has been so great, and he keeps all the commitments we give him. He also has a great heart and desire to help. Without being asked, he helped the other elders clean the font for the sister's baptism, just because he saw them doing it. So grateful for him!
Most of the other people we met this week came from just talking to people on the street or calling people. Elder Gildea is super good at OYM - open your mouth. When Elder Yamashita did mission tour here, he talked about doing 100% OYM - from the time we leave the house till 9:00 every day, not missing any chance to talk to someone. This week, I've seen why 100% is so important. First of all, we don't know who will or will not accept the gospel, or who might accept in the future if we just plant a seed today. Secondly, it is so much easier to do 100% then to do anything else. Trying to decide whether or not we will talk to someone every time we see them is far more difficult. Attitude is also very important - this is also something Elder Yamashita talked a lot about. We must always focus on the positive and look forward, not backward. Then we can keep the joy of the gospel and recognize more blessings and continue to progress.
Another great experience is when our investigator, Jimmy, expressed that the times he feels happiest are when he is with us. This really struck me, because bringing the Spirit to lessons is the thing we always think about and wish we could do better. To know that, even if I don't recognize it perfectly, the Spirit is there when we just do what we can, is very comforting.
I'm so grateful for all the people we met this week, and I pray we will be able to meet with them again and help them come closer to Christ. I know He is our Savior, and that he restored this church for us!
Love you all! Have a great week.
I'm still a junior companion. Elder Gildea is from Utah, and he is great! He is older than most other missionaries because he went to the military before his mission. He plans on going again after his mission.
Sounds like lots of fun summer stuff is going on! The lawn looks great. Is that new white truck Dad's?
Love you! Have a great week!