My new companion, Elder Gildea, is great! He is very diligent, enthusiastic, and committed to getting things done. We've been blessed this week to find lots of people to teach, and I'm excited to be able to bring the gospel to them. We gave a baptismal date this week to Tim, who is progressing super well! He has a very selfless and kind heart. We also met Joey, who is from China. It was way different because he has no prior knowledge or concept of God or any of the things we are talking about. So, we keep it very simple. We are also working with the ward to get a Restoration-themed music night going, which will allow the members to invite their friends and have a spiritual experience. Nokbeon Ward is really great, and the members love the missionaries! This new transfer we've really committed to working hard and doing all we can in this area.
Have a great week everyone! Love you all!
Sounds like you are having a great time in Utah! It's really hot here right now, but I'm loving working with Elder Gildea. He loves having fun and has a great attitude all the time.
Love you all!
Rain out the apartment door |

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