This past week we were blessed to meet someone that the previous missionaries met back in about February. He is currently on break from college, so we called him up and asked to meet him again. He seemed unusually eager to meet; so much so, if fact, that he showed up two hours early and called us, so we turned around and went to the church. We have met him twice again since then and he has committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and be baptized. He is such a great person, and seems to have a great heart and natural desire to help others. So thankful for him!
Another great person we've met recently, actually the same age as the other investigator, really opened up in a recent lesson. He talked about his fears and the issues he was facing. I was really struck by how sincerely and lovingly Elder Carmen responded, telling him that we would be there for him and that he did not have to face it alone. I've seen recently the importance of reaching out in charity. Loving like Christ did goes beyond caring about someone. Similar to how faith requires works, true charity means that we really act. Elder Holland describes this in PMG: "These people are not lifeless objects disguised as a baptismal statistic. They are children of God, our brothers and sisters, and they need what we have. Be genuine. Reach out sincerely. Ask these friends what matters most to them. What do they cherish, and what do they hold dear? And then listen. If the setting is right, you might ask what their fears are, what they yearn for, or what they feel is missing in their lives." This kind of outreach to others, when sincere, humble, and genuine, yet bold and simple in declaring the truth of our message and the divinity of Christ, is powerful. It can astonish others like Christ did. I hope to work harder and reach out and open my heart better to everyone so that they can feel, as Elder Yamashita put it, the love of God being imparted through his servant.
Sounds like Lolo Ward is changing a lot. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying great weather! I totally forgot about the 4th of July. Monsoon season seems to be upon us here.
Love you all! Have a great week!
Hello 사랑하는 가족 (Beloved Family)! In answer to Dad's question, Korea in Korean is written "Hankook" and pronounced more like "Hangook." The United States is "Mikook," which means beautiful country. Interesting. Korea: 한국. United States: 미국.
Sounds like everyone is having fun. Hope Brandon has fun in Melita again. Best job ever. Have fun in Utah! Have fun too, Dad!
Sorry, but I forgot my camera cord today. Next week! Tomorrow is temple day, so today isn't actually P-day besides our hour of email. Should have some good pictures.
If you want to know other Korean stuff, my name (Crisp) is 크리스프. It is hard to pronounce in Korean.
Love you all! Have a great 4th of July! Send firework pictures!

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